

Bible insists time and forth to praise and worship God. Psalmist David goes one step ahead and says, Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord and in other text he says, let’s praise God from the rising of the sun to the time it goes down. When so much is spoken of to praise and adore God, naturally what sinks in our mind is, yes, I do love the Lord that’s true and of course praising the person whom we love makes us happy, all this is agreed upon but do I get by praising God all the time. Even if you deny that would be a question of a normal human being. What do I get?

Let me tell you a chain reaction which happens when we indulge in praising God and the benefits we get by doing so. On any given day bright or gloomy, when we start praising God our focus shifts onto Him. When we shift our mind towards God, we begin to see His greatness and not our circumstances, His love not our rejection, His guidance not our lostness and I can go on…What really happens within us as we do this we are strengthened by His might, satisfied with His love, showered with His mercy and the circumstances around us turns faded and faint.

The next part of the sequence is when we exalt someone automatically the person praised takes the higher place than us, it shows God that we are humble and conveys to Him that we depend on Him. Nothing brings God’s favor closer to us than a humble heart. So, as we praise we beckon God’s mercy and favor to our proximity with a least effort.

Nextly, I want to remind you of the scripture which says our God dwells amidst praises. Thus, whenever we begin to raise our voice and heart to praise Him, His presence fills us and our surrounding, let me tell you in the presence of God the enemy has to flee. So, by praising God we show the exit to the devil from our lives. 

When the devil, the oppressor, and thief exits our lives, naturally there is deliverance in all areas where the bondage was felt. It may be financial deliverance, deliverance from curse or sickness or anything where the devil had kept you bound, there is deliverance in the name of Jesus and in His presence. I want to run you through the Paul and Silas prison episode and the deliverance that was brought forth in the dark of the night through a simple act of praising God.

Finally, when spiritual deliverance happens in the unseen spiritual realm of life, we begin to see miracles in the virtual temporal world that we live in. The wall of Jericho tumbling down like a rain of sand was a true evidence for the power of praise. Yes, as you begin to praise God you will begin to see miracle after miracle, making you run through a troop and leap over a wall.

Every day, an average human being is proven to have 23000 breaths, when we say, Lord, turn every breath of mine into your praise and stay connected with Him and verbally acknowledge that statement whenever we find some time,  just imagine how lovely our lives will be transformed into.  Our lives would turn into a sweet smelling savor which would delight God as He turns to look at us every time through the day. As C.S.Lewis said, praise is the only thing that completes the joy in man, this saying would definitely turn not just as a literary work but also as a reality.

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