

Down below, I am going to logically and biblically justify why Jesus as a person and as God is all sufficient for all the needs of man. To accept the above statement you need to understand that Jesus came to this world fully as God and Man. He was born of a virgin, which makes us realize that He was born without the involvement of a man and a woman. As long as He lived, He carried out the will of His Father in heaven with ultimate focus. In the short span that He lived, He fulfilled everything that was commissioned to Him to the fullest. Now let’s get to the crux of the matter, why I say Jesus is all-sufficient for every man.
1. A finite being man who is designed by God in his own image has fallen short of the glory of God and has his own limitations. Man needs His invincible maker, the divine mechanic to set right everything that is flawed in him. Truly he has to be empowered by someone powerful and boundless than Him as Jesus to deal with His fallen nature. There is only one choice for fallen man to turn better with Jesus or to turn worse without Jesus.
2. The divine designer made man as one-half of the apple that always seeks its another half to make himself complete. The other half of the apple is God Himself. Without Him, man will just be one-half of the apple grossly incomplete. That’s exactly what John says, I can do nothing without Him (Jesus).
3. When the first man had fallen from God’s expectation, there was a rift between God and Man. There was a need for a bridge to join man back with God. Jesus was the only bridge constructed by God Himself to bring man back to God. Thus, Jesus boldly acknowledged Himself as I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me.
4. On the mount of Moriah, when God stopped Isaac from being sacrificed, Isaac raises a question to his dad, “where is the lamb for sacrifice”. Abraham with full confidence says, my God will provide. Yes, even after years when the sins of man were colossal, God provided a lamb to be sacrificed for the sins of this world, which was His Son, Jesus Christ. This confirms the fact that Jesus is the only propitiation for all our sins. Even now, He is faithful high priest who pleads on our behalf to God the Father for all our sin and guilt.
5. The Bible claims different names for God, Jehovah Raphah (healer), Jehovah Ori (Light) , Jehovah Rohi (Good Shepherd), El Shaddai (Almighty God) and so on in the old testament. The personality Jesus in the New Testament lived to all these names and manifested the quality of these name in an appropriate fashion. He healed the sick (Raphae), He brought people from darkness to light (Ori) and calmed the roaring seas and made the dead come to life proving himself to be almighty time and forth.

6. When Jesus was born the angels declared His name to be Immanuel, which means “God with us”. As the name states, Jesus is the only person you can be with you in all the thick and thin and help us without constraint even at the dead of the night. Remember Jesus said, I will never leave you nor forsake you. Everyone else will fail, even well-wishers who desire to, they cannot be with us everywhere and every time.

7. God made man to have fellowship with Him and He confirms it with Abraham by saying, You are my friend. Yes, Jesus is the ultimate friend to all them who cling onto Him.  Loneliness would be a forgotten term if Jesus is with you. He is right beside as a bestie to love, to hold and as a shoulder to always lean on.
8. Abraham calls God a provider ( Jehovah Jireh), even today whatever might be your need, He provides. Man can replenish us with needs for our body, but who can offer us things pertaining to our soul. Jesus can shower us with both bodily and soulish needs, till we say He is enough
9. We live in a world where mercy, grace and true love are terms unheard of. Everyone is opportunistic, life is a mere struggle for existence. Everyone is busy enough to fulfill the desires of the human flesh. However, Jesus is beyond this carnal situation, He is merciful, kind, loving and all you want Him to be. There is surplus, forgiveness with Him more than you can imagine. His blood has the power to make you guilt-free for the forgiveness you’ve received which is so much unlike human forgiveness. In Jesus’ case, His Mercy always scores beyond His Judgement.
10. I’ve saved the best for the last, Jesus is the only person who can change a human heart. He is the only one who can turn ashes into beauty, tears into victory and trade brokenness for a crown. If there is someone who could put the old man to death and quicken a new creature to life, it can be done only by Jesus. I can go on and on, but let me tell you that His gift of new life tags with the salvation of the soul, that is bigger than life. This gift is blood purchased with the cost of His Life, indeed nobody can take His place, yes, He’s the ultimate. There is no substitute for Jesus. You can search the whole world and find none like Him.

Dear Man, befriend Him, love Him, serve Him, seek Him, Jesus is all you need for this world and for the next. 

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